Saturday, April 19, 2014

Unusual weekend

This has been an unusual weekend. He's been fairly independent so I was able to spend a lovely afternoon with my daughter and bake and cook and stuff for Easter. Although I am a bit annoyed because I couldn't find the hand mixer and wasn't able to make some of the things I wanted. They would have tasted fine but not presented the way I want so I nixed the idea completely. That's something I have to be aware of about myself. I can get caught up in black and white and forget there can be middle ground.
For the most part I've given up my perfectionism. But not when it comes to cooking and driving. Lol, weird things to hold on to but what I've done anyway. I used to need everything just so but as I got older and realized I couldn't maintain such insanity, I learned to accept my short comings and live my strengths instead of focusing on what I do wrong all the time. That's my upbringing.
Even though my dad and I are working on a relationship now, we didn't have much of one when I was growing up. Although it wasn't horrible it wasn't good either. I was pretty much his confidant and only friend which my therapist has labeled as emotional incest. Yucky words but appropriate nonetheless. I'm trying to shift our relationship away from me being his therapist and us being friends. I don't know how successful I am but last week was good. Time will tell and I'll process that as I need to. Right now that's not the focus.
But his emotional absence and my Moms constant criticism really made me a perfectionist. And yet I'm sympathetic enough because of it that I cannot do that to anyone else. Nor do I want to. It's a horrible way to live especially when you realize you will never be good enough for the people who are suppose to love you unconditionally, support you, encourage, lift up and nurture you. Although my adult brain understands that it wasn't necessarily because I didn't measure up, they didn't know how to be any different. Yet still feeling those feelings as a child even now, I cannot understand how I was such a bad person.
That's probably a big piece of why my marriage is not going to last. I cannot and will never be who he wants me to be. He saw someone pliable that he thought he could control and manipulate and he fell in love. But that's not what he got. Especially now that the one person in this world that could intimidate me is dead.
Intimidate. Interesting choice of words. But true. She intimidated me. I suppose it's the several broken jaws, ribs, black eyes, bruises and such. I might just be the dumbest smart person. I should have been afraid but for whatever reason I stopped being afraid. I remember the exact moment too. I was sent to my room and waiting there for her to come in and give me my punishment and I realized that the worse she was going to do was hurt me physically. I was 10. So she beats me up. Whatever. From that point on she intimidated me but I was no longer afraid.
Another side effect of my awareness and self empowerment was that I was done allowing her to bully my brothers, sister and dad. As the oldest of the family I was assuming responsibility to "pop the zit" when I could feel her raging. I got in her face, would purposely do things I knew she disliked so she would come after me. I knew I could take it and I didn't want them to have to. What a crazy choice for a 10 year old to have to make, or to even try to make. But I did and from that point on it is my instinctual reaction when someone around me is mad and it's directed at me.
Thankfully I've learned I don't have to repel every conflict nor do I need to be the savior or rescuer but it's hard for me to bite my tongue and say "yes dear" when really I want to pop that zit instead of letting it fester. Worst case scenario he hits me again. Whatever, I can take it. Although he has huge hands and is quite strong, it hurts a lot more than when my mom would. But I still refuse to shed a tear and if it gets to that point, I will still keep it secret. Because that's what I'm suppose to do. Why am I suppose to?
Because despite it all, I still don't want to hurt anyone. It would be a lot harder for me to live with myself knowing I sabotaged someone, whether on purpose or not, when I could have just kept my mouth shut and let it pass. I wonder why that is. Probably something to ask my therapist next week. I could figure it out on my own but I prefer to not analyze myself. I am much more trusting of other peoples opinions.
Well I won't get to take a bath and write tomorrow so see ya Monday. Happy Easter!

His words, my words

So I've been thinking about how I might be what he says so I've decided to take this post to write what he says is wrong with me and what I do wrong. Maybe he's right and I have some things to work on. To be honest with myself I have to use the words he has used. Otherwise I'd try to sugar coat it and be more kind. Not the point. The point is to look at how harsh he feels and honestly look at whether or not it's justified.
What's wrong with me:
I'm too friendly
I'm a tight wad
I like the color yellow
I wear sparkly house shoes
I wear my yellow, daisy hat in public
I have f me curls
I trust easily
I love too much
I want to help too often
I spend too much time with kids
I'm too patient with kids
I don't punish kids enough
I'm the dumbest smart person he has ever known
I don't listen to the radio enough
I'm not neat enough
I don't keep the house clean enough
I don't do laundry often enough
I don't change the sheets and towels often enough
I don't support him
I don't obey him enough
I don't treat him like the head of our household
I like to laugh too much
I'm clumsy
I'm quirky
I drink too much
I smoke
I don't show enough emotion
I'm a distraction
I'm reckless
I'm adventurous
I'm unreasonable
I'm stubborn
I'm independent
I'm particular
I'm too organized
I'm not spontaneous enough
I am outdoors too much
I don't bake cookies often enough
Since I'm doing this I can also add my own short comings:
I'm fat
I'm out of shape
I'm lazy
I'm too hopeful
I'm a peace keeper
I'm a care taker
I'm a perfectionist
I have panic attacks
I'm not serious enough
I hide behind humor
I'm sarcastic
I lie to save peoples feelings from being hurt
I protect
I let fear control me
I walk the fence and if I fall off into the other side I just get back on the fence again
I believe in God's love working through humans
I believe people should be cherished
I am not afraid of being hurt emotionally
I am grieving
I am sure if I left this list open I could keep adding. But for now I'm going to stop and process these things, pray about them and possibly talk to friends about it because I don't want to put all the blame on him. I have my issues too. I am not without fault. Of course right now I have a lot of Easter baking to do and dinner to start so I'd better focus on that or it won't be right and I'll mess that up too.

I like mornings

Mornings are nice. Not the ones where you set an alarm and have to jump out of bed to start your day but the ones where you linger. Take your time and just let the wave of the day sweep you away. No agendas, no stresses yet, just you and God looking ahead. This is also the best time for sex in my opinion too. Something about starting your day with that release is pretty cool.
I wonder sometimes what it would be like to wake up next to somebody you were happy to see. To watch them sleep, to hold them, to want to cover them in kisses and touch every part of them. I'm a touchy feely person anyway but to have a spouse that you just want to be near, sounds amazing. The idea of having that emotional intimacy is intoxicating for me. It distracts my thoughts, influences my actions, appeals to my heart and my hope. Well everything except the spouse part.
I don't think I could or should marry again. I can't be trusted. I would live with someone, I would be committed but I would always want that door to be open. For whatever reason marriage seems like a jail cell. I don't want to go back into one once I get out. However I see K and G together and their marriage is about freedom. It's inspirational.
Being together gives them permission to be themselves. The good and the bad. They are free to express what they want, when they want and how they want without there being backlash or punishment. They are free to break down because the other will be there for them. They are free to try new things because the other will be there to lift them up. There is freedom with them because of the love they share. I'm sure I'm not adequately describing it but just trust me, their marriage is freedom. It's so different from anything I've seen before and yet my heart recognizes it as truth.
What I grew up seeing is abuse, anger, bitterness, resentment, frustration. I don't think I ever saw my parents hug or kiss. It was rare to even see them together although I have vivid memories of them physically fighting and me being scared for my dad because he refused to hit a woman. So he just let her beat on him. I guess it was better than her beating on me or my brother. Shouldn't have happened at all but ya know, it is what it is. Point being, I knew that was wrong. I often wished my parents would have gotten divorced so I could have a safe place somewhere. But with my friends, their marriage is safe and loving. Probably a little co-dependent but why not? It works for them.
I wonder what it would be like to be in a relationship like that. I feel like I have a friendship like that with L but we are just friends. Although at one point when I was trying to figure out how to sort out what I was feeling, thought he and I should be FWB. Lol! But that was a stupid whim and a feeble attempt to make myself feel better about the current situation. Now that I'm willing to take an honest, hard look at things, I don't want that. I never really did. FWB is good in theory, not so good played out. It is merely a distraction from the truth. A truth that needs to be accepted, faced and either acted upon or not. That would be my choice. One I'm still pondering.
God has put L and K in my life. An amazing guy and girl friends. I used to question it. But now I see I am not meant to. They have taught me to trust in friendship, they have showed me unconditional love, they have blessed me with their opinions, wisdoms and truths. They listen, don't need or want the short version, and get it so I don't have to say too much. Holy cow is that a gift. I can be in a room with either one of them and it can be silent, and it isn't awkward. We just get each other. Love that. But I like silence. Probably why I adore lazy mornings so much. The silence, the peace, the positive energy as the sun reveals itself to the world and the potential for the day ahead is set. What a beautiful time. Just wish I had someone to share it with...