Saturday, July 19, 2014

Food for thought

There's a lot going through my head these days. Dad came back and explained himself further which was good and creepy too. I'm hoping it's because he and I think so much alike that he knew he would need to explain it further. Either that or he's reading my blog because this isn't the first time this has happened where he's addressed something I wrote about the day after me posting it. If so, Dad do not tell me you're reading this otherwise I'll end up censoring it and that defeats the purpose of this. Thanks.

So he clarified that my dependence on prescription drugs is making me dull. Not in a bad way but he talked about my personality and intelligence and how I'm not that way anymore. He's concerned about my health and wants to see me happy too. A lot of it is related to H and how I handle him. Although I'm a peacekeeper normally, I also know when things need to be confronted and I'm not doing it with h. Dad also said the bible says a woman can lead her husband to Christ through her love, care and patience.

Well there are two things. Dad is right. I'm addicted to my antidepressant. Mostly because I have had trouble with panic since my mom died and that sucks. However the thought of not having them right now scares me. I can't imagine how much anxiety I would have. It was crippling and that's why I went to the doc in the first place. But that state of mind shows that I am addicted. I feel like I need it. Like I feel like I need cigarettes. Not cool. But something I am willing to try if I'm in a better place with my faith. Right now, I'm wrestling.

Second thing is more complicated. A wife can change her husband with her actions. Huh... I have trouble with this. I think it can be true but I don't know if I personally can do that. Maybe if I got rid of the resentments but it's hard when the behaviors keep happening. Even then, I don't feel the kind of love for him that can move all obstacles. So is it my duty and responsibility to start seeing him as a child that I have to nurture, coach, lead and direct? Is it my job to hold him accountable and make him change? Is it on me to mold him into the man God and I want him to be? I don't know.

Let's say it is and I do it. Now what? Where am I? I'm in the same place of feeling like I was pushed into a marriage with a man I don't love romantically. Our life becomes tolerable and possibly even happy. But can I find the love I need to sustain a marriage for 20+ years?

K and G are celebrating 27 years this Friday. T has been married to L for 22 years. They can't imagine life without their partners and I can't imagine staying much longer than a year more. See the conflict? Is it really that I'm so messed up in the head that I am unable to have that love with anyone? Or have I just not met the right one?

When I see my future, it's without a man at all or if there is a man in the shadows waiting for me, he's by my side but we still don't live together and definitely are not married. Which is a conflict with what I wrote earlier about wanting a man to love like I see around me. I think it's my way of protecting myself emotionally.

I'm not getting any younger. Body parts are sagging, grey is starting to come in, wrinkles appearing slowly. I have stretch marks and have bore 5 kids. I don't have a job, an unable to work right now, am not secure financially and there's no 401k. I'm a risk and with each passing day the risk is greater. What do I have beside my personality to attract the opposite sex?

Ok so it isn't that bad but it could be. Nothing I said isn't true. I guess if it's love it doesn't matter and with h, he doesn't seem to mind. So do I hang in there and teach him how to love like my Dad suggested? Or do I follow a broken heart and hope for the best?

I really don't know. Thankfully it is in God's hands. I just need to get out of the way and let Him work. That's the hard part...