Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Pleasurable Gift

The bible has me contemplating today. My verse of the day was Proverbs 18:22. It says "The one who finds a wife finds what is enjoyable, and receives a pleasurable gift from the Lord". I've been a wife 3 times and I've never been treated like a gift. I suppose because I don't think I am one...or didn't.

But now I see that I'm valuable. I work hard, love to cook and bake, enjoy taking care of my home for the most part, love God, love all those around me, am a good Mom and friend. I have a servants heart and just want to give to those around me, especially my husband and children and yet, rather than being seen as a gift I am taken advantage of. I hate it.

At first I didn't mind. It was what I wanted to do but I also honestly thought that H would give back. Sometimes he does and I have to give him credit for being a good provider and quite handy around the house. However where is the affection? Where is the care? Why can't I be spoiled once and a while? Why do I have to feel guilty for indulging in things I enjoy like drinking? Or napping? Or driving?

I've been so defeated lately. I'm not working on my grief like I should be. I still have horrible anxiety at night and find it hard to sleep. I feel myself closer to breaking down finally but can't do it around my spouse or kids. For 2 different reasons. My kids get scared when Mom isn't strong. I don't feel safe emotionally around H to let go or if I have a moment where I do, he turns it around and makes it about him. I'm exhausted treading water.

I should say more like I used to. But I shut down like he's used to me doing. I should say this isn't working and point out I gave him his 2 months and things are back to the way they used to be so he needs to walk away. I should kick him out for good and file for divorce. But I don't and I haven't. That alone is discouraging. Why is it so hard for me to hurt people? I know I should put me first but I don't know how. Mama bear seems to have gone on vacation and I miss my therapist.

Not just that but now that I'm back to being isolated but working, I miss my friends the most. H wants me to quit work and stay home again. Since I'm not, he believes I get enough socialization so we have to leave quickly and get to places late. He doesn't even see it. I subtly have tried to point it out and he gets defensive. To avoid an argument I drop the subject. I think my friends miss me too. That alone makes me sad.

Not that I have power over them, but my friends are real friends and we give and take and share with each other. I see they are also isolated from me because of this linebacker I call my husband. He hovers, I don't get my girl time and I think their mood is affected too. It's such an ugly situation that I only see one way out of and that has its own set of problems. But like I told T tonight, I believe God had a plan. What that is, I don't know but He has a little less than a year to do whatever He is going to so I'm just waiting.

I really hope someday I will be seen as a pleasurable gift. Just not sure if it will be with H or not. Perhaps I need to convince myself I am one so I accept nothing less. Now thats a thought...

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